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The Choices Clinic was founded under the concept of "Your Body, Your Choice" and is run by four experienced female doctors at Plantagenet Medical Centre.

Contact Choices Clinic
Phone: 9892 1000

The Choices Clinic can provide women with assistance with the following:

Unplanned pregnancy counselling.
We can provide a counselling session that is:

  • Non-directive: we will not tell you what to do.

  • Non-judgemental: your body, your choice.

  • Completely confidential: as with all of our clinic consultations

Providing emergency contraception information/script following unprotected sex. 

You can obtain emergency contraception for a pharmacist without a script, if you prefer. Emergency contraception works best the earlier you take it, and MUST be taken within 5 days at the most.


Providing medical termination of pregnancy (medical abortion).

A medical abortion can only be done for pregnancies under 63 days (9 weeks) and involves seeing two of our doctors (or being referred by your usual GP).The prescription can be filled at the Mt Barker Chemist, and we liaise directly with the  pharmacists to ensure utmost confidentiality. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can also fill your prescription at an alternative pharmacy elsewhere, just let us know during your consult.


Providing referral for surgical termination of pregnancy (surgical abortion).

While we cannot perform the actual procedure, we can support you in this process and  refer you to specialised services.

How to book appointment with Choices Clinic.

To make an appointment, please email your name and best contact phone number to Alternatively, you can phone 9892 1000 and advise the receptionist you'd like an appointment in the Choices Clinic, leaving your first name and best contact phone number. One of our doctors will book your appointment for you.


Face to face appointments are preferred, but we can do video or telephone consultations as required, please mention this when you call/email to book.

The Choices Clinic is for urgent, time critical appointments within the week.

It is not for standard cervical screening, STI screening, or "routine" women's health issues - please make a regular appointment for these.


The Choices Clinic is privately billed at our standard rates.

If you are in severe financial difficulty, please discuss this with your clinician in your appointment.

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